Friday 27 June 2014

My little assistant Gardener

You may not be aware of it, but I have an assistant gardener, and not its not my mother.  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce her on here as she is very involved.

Apparently puss will be sowing the seeds.  The shoes are not a fashion statement, they are purely for the garden because they are easy to slip into.  Why they weren't on my feet at this point I don't know.  Look at my tray of peppers before a slug got them :(

Monty Don may have a dog, but this is my rat; my furry partner in crime.  She may be a cat but has the temperament more of a lap dog.  It is impossible to be in the garden and not have her trailing about after you, generally being cute but also being a right pain and getting in the way.  In one such example below I had put the kneeler out because I had kind of hoped to sit on it to save my bum, but turns out puss had the same idea and slipped into position when I went off to the loo.  She won’t sit directly on the paving stones, its too cold for her dainty posterior.  We ended up compromising with me on the kneeler and her curled up in the fleece against my back, jammy toad.

I don’t know what it is about a freshly opened shed door, maybe the alluring whiff of stale air mixed with petrol fumes from the lawnmower that she can’t resist but crack it open just wide enough to retrieve the slug pellets and she is in there.  The only way of getting her out is to shut the door and leave her in there for twenty minutes or so until boredom sets in and then she comes out quite happily.  Unless I forget I shut her in there, or she gets herself marooned on top of the garden chairs and I have to wade in to rescue her like she did the other week.

Plant a whole row of bean seedlings? Find her lounging in them the next day.  Put in some iris bulbs?  Turns out to be her new favourite sunbathing spot.  And she is completely obsessed with the kneeler.  You have to love her though and she does make excellent company.

Its sunny and hot so yes, I will stretch fully out and roll around squeaking on the patio.  Its also the perfect opportunity for a bath 

Clearly being helpful assisting while I staked my beans  

She always looks thoroughly browned off in photos but she is actually a happy thing.  This is not me

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