Wednesday 9 April 2014

Thompson and Morgan Seed Splurge

If I was after an easy life I would buy everything in plant form, but for me half the fun is to be had in trying to grow things from seed.  I find it possibly the most rewarding and satisfying part of gardening, taking a tiny seed, popping it into a hole in a tray of soil, add a little water and then boom: couple of months later you are plucking a fresh homegrown cucumber off a huge plant…Or not as in my case.   Conversely you can spend weeks analysing the seed tray every day for some tiny hint of shoots only to have absolutely nothing come up.  This is basically me at the moment and I can’t help but get very upset when it doesn’t work… Im looking at you echinaceas.

With this in mind I set about getting myself some new seed this year.  I have numerous packets already that I carefully tucked away into nooks and crannies in the utility room cupboard last year and now struggle to find. I think my courgette seeds must have made a break for freedom at some point because those are definitely gone.   

Despite the banks of seeds at my local gardening centre, I couldn't find anything that tickled my flowering fancy and Im all set for vegetables at the moment.  They don't seem to vary the stock from year to year, and my gardens' got enough Coral Reef Poppys already so I went online.  I have a thing for cut flowers at the moment so that is largely what I went for.  Although I did sneak in a packet of carrot seeds designed for children that surely even I can’t fail with! 

I was surprised how long they took to come, at least a week and Initially I was rubbing my hands together in glee as I thought they had messed up and sent me two packets of one plant.  However having checked my order form it turns out I got over excited about Zinnia elegans 'Envy Double' and now have 200 seeds worth, go me.  My only gripe is the packaging.  Personally speaking, I find the large colour photograph one usually finds on the front rather helpful in reminding me what on earth I bought in a mad moment.  Instead I keep having to google the latin names to remind myself.  Now to just get them planted...­

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