Monday 1 June 2015

Butterfly in the garage

Im not sure what plant I bunged it on, looks like a lily! But I think its a rhododendron
I would have thought that the garage would have been a rather sterile environment devoid of bugs and creepy crawlies, but I have been proved wrong.  Earlier this week on a watering visit to my cucumbers I discovered - to my absolute horror - a humungous spider sitting in my washing up bowl full of pots.  I would say in size it rivalled a small mouse with long solidly built legs and an enormous bottom.

Isn't he glorious? With his lovely curly proboscis and antennae
Normally Im quite happy to help a spider out, and by out I mean the window, but when they get over a certain size I am really not keen.  And so I have just left her there, sitting in my bowl, and as long as she doesn't try and run up my arm or something, this situation suits me fine.  I also discovered one of those mini slugs happily sliding his way through my second batch of incredibles.  This plant is clearly even more tasty than peppers to the slug, but really did think the seedlings would be relatively safe until I got them outside.

He had lovely speckled undersides to his wings, the only part I properly saw as he was hiding his true colours

More interestingly a couple of weeks ago I found this beauty hanging around on the edge of a pot.  I can only imagine it snuck in when the garage door was open somewhen and became trapped.  Maybe it was looking for a spot to lay its eggs, in which case my seedlings are not it.  Either way I helped the little guy outside.  Rather amicably he hopped aboard a stick when I profered it and put up little fight.  Im not sure where butterfly's are happiest sitting, I imagine something like a buddleia, but I haven't got one of those so instead he had to go on one of the bushes.  I think it might have been a green-veined white butterfly, which is pretty common across the UK, but I am no expert.

I did think he had really veiny wings, which makes sense if he is what I
think he might be
Im not sure it was exactly happy as it wasn't keen to fly off, so I imagine it had been in the garage for a while.  It was beautiful though and an opportunity to see one up close.  He has a lovely curly proboscis and a beautiful pale green underside to his wings .  He didn't really open them very wide so I couldn't get a picture of his full design, but it was a lovely treat to see him in all his glory.

*spider update* after sitting in my washing up bowl for well over a week, on my visit to the garage today I discovered the spider had gone.  Im now a little afraid to go in there, it might get me.  Its a serious concern.

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