Saturday 12 July 2014

Im going to the Hampton Court Flower Show!

If your wondering at the relevance of some alliums, we bought these last time we went and I definitely want to get some different ones this year!

I have been looking forward to today for such a long time.  Today I am off to the Hampton Court Flower Show in London; the largest flower show in the world, and they aren't wrong it is absolutely huge.  Unfortunately my excitement for today has been hampered over the last few days by the fact that I have been really poorly for the last week so I am really going to have to rally to make the most of it and not end up slumped on a chair in a corner propped up by a cup of tea, which clearly will happen anyway.  But I am determined, so armed with pills, hot drinks and tissues I hope to go forth and spend spend spend!  Obviously I will also be checking out the show gardens for anything inspiring plant wise but im not going to lie; mainly im there to take advantage of the shopping opportunities.  I have warned the parents who are coming with: don't hold me back!  That is the great thing about Hampton.  There are huge tents full of specialist growers with stands showing off their flowers but also selling the seeds or bulbs and whatever so that you can grow them too.  Very little of it you would be able to buy in the average garden centre normally, but the growers usually have online shops so you can still buy their produce, but for me there is nothing like being able to see what I want to buy blooming in front of me.  I have an extensive shopping list; Im hoping to buy most of the vegetable and flower seeds I want to grow over the next year, I want to get some new Sweet Pea seeds- possibly old fashioned varieties for a change, definitely some new alliums because we love the ones we have, and lets face it pretty much anything else that takes my fancy!  I hope to leave laden with bags virtually sinking into the mud.  I will have my camera on hand so will hopefully take a few pictures of the day and I will put together a few posts to show you my purchases over the next week or so so stay tuned!

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