Thursday 12 March 2015

Happy Birthday Blog!

Cucumbers galore! Oh how I miss them
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my little blog.  I read somewhere that most blogs get abandoned in the first year, but here I am still going strong.  In fact it has become my day job, albeit in a  more formal tone and sadly not about gardening.  I love sharing with you all what I have been getting up to in the garden, and my successes and disasters.  Mainly disasters unfortunately.  I don't have anybody to chat about my hobby with in my day to day life apart from the mother as most of my friends don't have a garden, or any interest to be in one.  My other half looks at me like I have sprouted a fine unicorn horn from the temple every time I mention the green stuff.  He has, however, come to accept that I will be outside on a Saturday digging a hole if its not raining, and that I am fully prepared to pay the price of having chipped and dirty nails from doing so.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to look back over the past year and review the highlights, which seem to mainly revolve around big juicy cucumbers.  I loved having an almost continuous supply of home grown cucumbers, some of them didn't look so visually pleasing but all tasted good.
Another highlight of the year was visiting Hampton Court flower show.  That's despite the fact I felt so incredibly ill and it was boiling hot.  This is my favourite picture from the whole year.  I didn't notice the bee in mid flight until I got home, but he makes it a cracking photo.

The rest of my highlights seem to revolve around growing vegetables, bright shiny tomatoes, sugar snap peas, plums.  I seriously can't wait for the veggies to start rolling back in.  I should probably start sowing the veggies.  Looking back revealed that at the beginning of April last year I had three inch high broad bean seedlings.  I need to get on with it!  I thought I had bags of time but clearly not.  Know what im going to be doing tomorrow now.

Looking back has made me excited for the year ahead, my 51 packets of seed should keep me busy, and not to mention all my bulbs.  Im really hoping to have a successful growing year.  Although looking back, I don't think last year was too bad either.

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